Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I guess Jamie wanted a new look too...

When I left for work yesterday Jamie looked like this... (well this picture is like 2 weeks old, but he still looked about like this in the morning)...

But when I came home from work... HE LOOKED LIKE THIS!!!!

Supposedly he was "growing it out for 2 years" whatever... he does this almost every summer. I don't know why I was so suprised this time. I REALLY SHOULD HIDE MY CLIPPERS! You'd think I'd learn by now.

I don't know if he was getting too hot with the long hair, if he had too much time on his hands (I don't see how he was "watching" the kids), or if he wanted to look like his man crush David Beckham, but it is what it is.

I still think your sexy! And you always put up with me changing my hair, so rock the buzz cut! Whatever...


Katherine said...

You guys and your hair cuts! I don't think you look any more like Beckham, but if it makes you feel closer to him...

Jeff said...

The top picture looks like a mug-shot. Have you been arrested lately Jamie?

betsey said...

Dude! I just realized that I missed your birthday! Happy Late Birthday! What did you do? I'll give you a call this week to catch up! Sure miss and love you! We need to get together...I was talking to Emmy about maybe something in Utah? We all have family there to visit and Cami lives there now...Just a thought! I'd just love to see you guys again!