Monday, November 17, 2008

thanks a lot doc

Zac's fever was gone yesterday after his nap and still gone today, but we still saw pediatrician.
Not Strep, Not Flu, some other virus. No cure, don't need antibiodics, shouldn't even be contagious since fever has been gone for 24 hrs. Just keep doing fluids and rest.
Sooo glad I just paid a bunch of money (we have a high deductable that just started over in Sept) to find out what Zac doesn't have!!!
Oh and it was pretty awesome when the doc did the throat swab test and it made Zac gag, and if you know Zac you know he has the weakest gag reflex ever! so, yeah you guessed it, Zac threw up all over me!
I couldn't even be mad cuz he was like "oh my gosh! oh my gosh! I sorwee mommy! oh my gosh!"
I almost had to laugh. (maybe I say oh my gosh too much?)


Katherine said...

Ah, that's so sweet he felt bad about it! Glad he's better, but I def feel you on paying for nothing when it comes to doc visits!

betsey said...

That's lame, but I'm so glad that he is feeling better! Poor boy...I love the "Oh my gosh, I'm sowee Mommee" how cute :)

Kristen said...

I'm glad he's ok but I know exactly how you's so frustrating taking them to the doctor because half the time, there's nothing wrong with them!

About Me said...

That happened to us just a few weeks ago (minus the getting thrown-up on). Aspen was sick with fever and sore throat, and I had heard of others recently having strep. So I took her in, just sure that she had strep throat. NOPE. $250 later we go home having found out she just had a virus. She was back to normal the next day.

Usually I'm really good at NOT taking my kids in unless I know they really need it (but not this time). Ahh, the joys of parenthood!

I HATE getting thrown-up on (especially in public), so I really feel for ya there. So sorry!

Cameron said...

I'm laughing right now because I totally know how you feel! I think it's a preemie thing. Nathanael has the same sensitive gag reflex. For the longest time Nathanael would gag and throw-up just by coughing.(Not to mention the projectile vomiting he did as an infant.) He'd even do it if he was throwing a tantrum and got too worked up crying or if the smell of a certain food grossed him out. I'm glad those days are over!!! I'm glad to hear that your polite little guy is ok.