Sunday, July 20, 2008

Memory Tag

Here's the fun tag everyone is doing. Don't leave me hangin'! (Even if you don't have a blog or don't ever comment or if this is an old entry, I always love comments.)

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.

It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you, if you have one. If not, play anyway!


Tiffany Feger said...

Our short trip to Vegas:)
Our outfits there.

Your beautiful wedding and fun reception.

The dorms.

Spice Girls.

Kissing contest at that club.

Making you sad for my bad dating decisions.

Getting our boys together at your house.

Dylan's 1st real haircut by you.

You guys being my DJs at my reception and me feeling so bad about it. You doing my hair for my wedding and me feeling so thankful.

Talking on the phone after ages and being good friends the same still.

Jeni said...

Dorm yard sale.

Pranks with Erin.

Beach in California.

Sleeping at Tomi's house.

Coming to visit you and Jaime at Legacy Apartments.

Your first visit from Texas and us talking for 3 hours.

Seeing you at least once a year when you come to visit.

It's been fun to keep in touch over the years. I'm glad I'll see you again soon.

Kristin and Guy said...

Sorry I don't have the long list as the others, but it's late and I shouldn't even be doing this right now! One of the first things that came to mind was our fun girls camp days as youth leaders. Thinking we were so cool as we made up those songs to sing to everyone at campfire. If only we were still so cool...

Steph said...

It's so so so good to hear from you and get an update on your life!!! Your boys are adorable. It was too bad I couldn't make it to the reunion, I was at Disneyland with the fam. Give me a call if you have time when you're in Utah (801-472-1023). I'm in San Jose Aug 5 to 8, but I should be around the rest of the time. Oh and my memory is when you rented the video for Thriller when we were in high school and we tried to learn the dance :)

About Me said...

Oh Amber, Amber...
You may be asking for trouble with this one.

I should have the longest list of everyone, but alas, my memory's going already.

Sharing a room all those years, thinking we were all that cause we were talking, giggling, and playing games all night long (at least until 8:30pm!), and thinking our parents could never hear us.

You talking in your sleep and waking me up saying the darndest things, like saying a prayer in your sleep.

You begging and begging to play Barbies with me yet again, and me dreading it, but then four hours later we were still playing.

All your fashion shows in our twirly see-through slips, folding up our shirts to pretend we were wearing bikinis, and pillows under longer shirts to pretend we were pregnant.

You and Sean swearing at each other just a few short weeks before our wedding. (makes me laugh now, cause neither of you'd swear at each other now).

You, Jamie, Sean, and I playing Mario cart or other senseless games until all hours of the night whenever we get together.

And now you and I finally swapping motherly stories, and you finally understanding.

Love ya Amber!


Amanda and Ryan McCarty said...

I love that I found you on this post. I remember Freshman year at BYU going to all of the pre-semester activities. Like the dances, and get togethers at your house. I am so glad that you found our blog, I love to keep in touch with you and your cute family.

emmy said...

talking, talking, talking... that is my memory with you... a fond one:)

Karin said...

AMBER! -it's karin:) what cute little boys you have to keep you busy all day long! the first thing that comes to mind? Kristin's shower... spray whipping cream.
ahhh, leave it to Amber:)!

Jeff said...

Remember that time we were playing Scattergories.....? That's my favorite memory of you right now.